Orthopedic specialist in Mumbai

What is Synovectomy Knee Surgery | Dr Niraj Vora

A Synovectomy is a surgical procedure that is used to treat Synovitis, an inflammatory condition that causes knee joint damage & disability, chronic pain, limits knee function, and eventual destruction of joint. “Yes, a simple inflammation can eventually cause permanent and irreversible damage to the knee when not treated. Synovectomy is a surgical procedure that […]

Snapping Hip Syndrome Causes and Treatment

The hip joint is one of the most complex joints in the human body. It’s made up of many small bones and ligaments that allow different movements of the leg. When pain occurs in the hip joint, it’s usually due to a condition called Hip Strain. When you move, the socket of the hip flexes […]

Advanced Sports Injury Doctor in Mumbai

Injuries are very common in the human body and especially while playing a sport. The rigorous nature of body movements required in sports often creates a risk for an advanced sports injury. A broken bone, a muscle pull, a torn ligament, an injured tissue, etc., and the list of possible injuries can go on. Although […]